Hi Parents of a Class of 2020 Senior!
High School Senior year is an excited, nerve wracking, and joyful year rolled into one. This year signifies the end and the beginning of different chapters in yours and your seniors lives. This is the year son/daughter will decide if they will go straight to a 4-year college, community college, take a gap year or study a trade. Don’t let the stress of their senior year make you lose focus on the most important thing, spending quality time with them before they leave. This is may also be the last year they may play sports, be in band or any other school activity. Sadly, this may also be the last year they will be home for all the holidays, birthdays and family celebrations. That is why it’s important to celebrate their Senior year.
I am going to cover some important testing information as well as a timeline that should help you navigate your seniors last year.
High School Senior Testing
As recent news has shown us, the college application process is nerve wracking for students and parents alike. For most of your high school seniors, they probably started testing last year with the Pre-SAT’s and maybe their first actual SAT.
Kahn Academy
Kahn academy is a program that most local schools have contracted with to provide free SAT help free of charge. It is a program that can improve your son/daughters score by up to 150 points.
Important Dates to Know
Universities of California
Application dates: November 1-November 30
Website to apply: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/apply
One Online application will work for all campuses.
Four personal insight essays (350 words each) are mandatory when submitting the application.
UC’s do not accept letters of recommendation. UC Berkeley may ask for one in January.
SAT/ACT Must be taken by December of your senior year.
You must send your official transcripts in June once grades are posted
Get transcripts at www.parchment.com
Checklist for UC:
- Application
- Essay
- Payment
California State Universities
Application dates: October 1- November 30.
Website to apply: www.csumentor.edu
Non-impacted schools or programs may accept students after the deadline
No essay required
No letters of recommendation
SAT/ACT Must be taken by December of your senior year.
You must send your official transcripts in June once grades are posted
Get transcripts at www.parchment.com
Checklist for CSU:
- Application
- Payment
Private and or out of state schools
Please review each school’s website for their requirements as each school can vary.
Community Colleges
Apply in the Spring (usually opens registrations in March) www.collegeofthedesert.edu
They do not require SAT or ACT testing
Pledge/Edge program offers free tuition for all students that graduate from a school within the Coachella valley (see if offered in 2020. Information releases in September).
Other Important information
www.fafsa.gov or www.dream.csac.ca.gov
Applications must be submitted from October 1-March 2 2020 to qualify for Cal Grants or Pell grants.
Please see your counselor for packets to scholarships and look online for scholarships and deadlines.
Important Note
All of these services are FREE, if you find someone charging for these services DO NOT USE THEM!
These dates are accurate to the best of my ability, however, I recommend you talk with your son/daughters counselor to verify this information and make sure they don’t miss any deadlines. Please speak with your high school seniors school counselor to confirm these dates.
High School Senior Pictures
Don’t forget to schedule your son/daughters Senior Pictures. This is an important milestone and you want to make sure you capture this special moment. The schools contract with a high volume national company, I suggest you look at the work on my website www.leeriveraphotography.com . We do lifestyle senior shoots and we specialize in sports photography senior pictures as well. I suggest you schedule your high school senior session as early as possible so that we can plan out the details and make sure we make your pictures as personal as possible.
Lisandro Rivera